
Sexual psychology and more common problems

Sexual psychology focuses on studying sexuality, which is part of people’s nature. Because something that in principle is natural and spontaneous can become a problem when the circumstances of the person impede the correct development of sex. When stress, lack of sleep or worries at work can lead to a deteriorated response in intimacy, the help of psychology comes to play a fundamental role in redirecting the situation.In this way, sexual dysfunction can appear, both feminine and masculine, affecting any person regardless of their sexual orientation and age. Ergo, this branch of psychology is not for certain people but can be for any one of us, at any time in life.

Analysis Factors in Sexual Psychology

There are some factors that decisively influence sexuality and predispose people to respond in one way or another. Education received during childhood on sexual issues, traumatic experiences during childhood and youth, or fear of an unwanted pregnancy are factors that predispose people to manifest some form of sexual disorder. Unfortunately, sexual psychology is not often present in early childhood education.There are also factors that trigger dysfunction and contribute to it appearing at a certain point in life. Relationships, dysfunction of the partner, fear of an organic problem, a complicated postoperative, postpartum or certain medications for depression and anxiety. All these factors and some more can act as triggers of sexual problems and are the subject of analysis in sexual psychology.

Female sexual dysfunctions

According to various studies, approximately half of the female population suffers at some point in their lives from sexual difficulties. Some problems are overcome spontaneously but in many cases, it is advisable to seek professional help through sexual therapy. Although at first, it may be difficult to tell such a strange and intimate subject, it is advisable to go to a therapist specialized in sexuality, either in face-to-face therapy or an online psychologist, so that the problem does not continue to increase and is more difficult to deal with.These are some of the most frequent female sexual disorders discussed in psychology consultations.


Orgasm is a woman's persistent difficulty reaching orgasm after a normal arousal phase.There are certain situations that can produce a lack of female orgasm, derived from personal and physiological factors that can be considered normal. This is the case in the postpartum stage, especially when there has been some type of physical damage: episiotomy, caesarean section. Or in the first weeks of breastfeeding, when the baby monopolizes all the time and energy of his mother and the lack of sleep and tiredness are prolonged day after day. If the problem disappears when these circumstances do you should not give more importance and think that your body is reacting in the most logical way, saving energy where it can.The real problem appears when, without any physical reason to justify it, you are still incapable of enjoying the sexual act to the fullest, either because the previous circumstances have not been managed properly or because the problem lies elsewhere. Here you can read more about female anorgasmia.


Dyspareunia is defined as the onset of genital pain when sexual practice includes penetration. The pain can appear at any time of penetration and in different areas, both in the external and internal parts of the vagina and in the rest of the pelvic region, causing discomfort that makes it difficult to have sex with a partner.The causes of pain can be physical and organic, but they can also have their origin in a psychological process and be solved with the help of an expert therapist.Coital pain is a severe impediment to the development of sexual relations since you will not be able to find gratifying a practice that is producing pain and discomfort. In addition, fear of pain can be a barrier that prevents you from relaxing and enjoying any of the moments prior to penetration. As on other occasions, you can enter a circle where fear prevents the relationship and the relationship itself causes pain and, consequently, fear.In the case of dyspareunia, it is necessary to go to a medical examination and rule out that it is caused by organic problems. If once discarded, the problem persists, the most advisable thing is that you go to a therapist who helps you to overcome the fear and thus to be able to enjoy the sexual relations in plenitude. Here you can read more about dyspareunia.


It is a sexual dysfunction that is characterized because the muscles that we have in the pelvic floor and that surround the vagina contract involuntarily. This causes the vagina to close completely or partially and penetration to be impossible. This same reaction that appears in the moments of intimacy also does it before a gynaecological exploration and even when introducing a tampon.The causes of vaginismus can be very varied. Among the physical causes may be due to the existence of a pelvic tumour or a problem of endometriosis. However, the most frequent causes of this dysfunction are psychological, such as restrictive sexual education, sexual aggression, previous traumatic sexual experiences or problems in relationships.In all cases, it is necessary to know the origin of the problem and act on it. Once the physical causes have been discarded, it must be dealt with psychologically, both individually and as a couple if necessary. The help of the psychological therapy will go through de-dramatizing and de-blaming the woman and her partner, in order to return to an adequate sexual education about the body.

Male sexual dysfunctions

It is very common for men to tend to keep their sexual problems to themselves, for fear of not satisfying or of seeing their masculinity called into question. However, we will explain some of the most common sexual disorders in men.

Erectile dysfunction

It is the recurrent inability to maintain the erection for the time necessary to allow a satisfactory relationship, which causes discomfort in relationships. It is important to point out that dysfunction is only considered when it occurs persistently, most of the time the man has sex.The causes can be very varied although the problem of impotence is very common at some point in life. If the problem is progressive and persists over time, it will be necessary to rule out the organic causes by means of a medical examination.In most cases of erectile dysfunction, the organic component is associated with a psychological component that needs to be treated. Psychological factors can aggravate the problem, due in part to the education and false myths about virility that still persists in our society.When faced with a problem of erectile dysfunction, it is advisable to go to a therapist to help, through the appropriate treatment, to see the problem in its true dimension. To guarantee privacy you can go to an online therapist, who will treat the problem with the comfort of having the session from home.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the lack of persistent and recurrent control over ejaculation. It is also the inability to control the sensation that precedes the ejaculatory reflex.In cases of premature ejaculation it is important that psychological therapy is oriented individually, at first, and then towards the couple. The partner plays a very important role in the safety and self-esteem of the man who has this sexual dysfunction, so it will be necessary to treat the problem in all its dimension.

Hypoactive sexual desire

It is a sexual dysfunction that affects men and women equally and that refers to sexual motivation or interest. This disorder, which may go unnoticed in the case of single people, represents a problem in the case of stable couples.The causes of the problem are very varied and it is frequent that, although the disorder has an original organic cause, the psychological factors are those related to the decrease in desire. Thus, sexual anxiety or partner problems can lead to a hypoactive sexual desire that should be discussed with a therapist.

Sexual Psychology: Tips for Overcoming Dysfunctions

The first step in overcoming sexual dysfunctions is to recognize them. A good tool can be a sexuality test. Once you know something is going on with your sex life, you can follow these steps to feel better.

#1.- Know Yourself

In order for relationships to be satisfactory, it is important that you know your body, what you like and don't like, which practices and manoeuvres are more pleasant than others. Giving yourself satisfaction will help you get to know yourself better sexually so that you can communicate your wishes to your partner.

#2.- Encourage sexual communication with your partner

The expression of tastes and feelings is essential for your partner to know you and a greater pleasure for both. Encourage empathy during the sexual act, calmly and patiently if necessary.

#3.- Don't focus on penetration and orgasm

The sexual relation is much more, there are sensations and stimuli in which numerous parts of the body intervene. Also, remember that the whole skin is full of nerve endings that can make us feel pleasure and excitement. Dedicating time to the previous moments to the sexual act is a form to improve the confidence in the intimacy of the pair.

#4.- Go to a professional

If the dysfunction persists and is not due to organic alteration, it is best to see a therapist to help you work on the issue. There are different therapies, depending on the type of problem, which will give you the necessary tools to overcome frustration and enjoy your sex life again.As a conclusion, we can say that the relationship problems and mood of the members of the couple are, in most cases, the cause or aggravating factors of sexual dysfunction. And, if other organic causes are involved, they will be boosted by low self-esteem and fear of recurring episodes. Therefore, psychological treatment is essential to provide accurate information, work on fears and phobias and help control anxiety.Working with the partner to train communication and skills will result in a more active and satisfying sex life.If you want to improve your level of well-being, in therapyside we can help you. We are international leaders in online psychology and we have the right therapist for you.

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